Skin Care Advice

5 Easy, Effective DIY Face Mask Recipes

Face masks are one of the biggest trends in skin care right now. Most grocery stores, makeup shops, and even many clothing retailers carry those little pouches of single-use face masks, which range from masks that dry and peel off to gel masks that rest on the surface of your face. It’s hard to browse Instagram or Twitter without seeing pictures of people wearing them. Face masks can be fun and relaxing, and are designed to deliver skin care ingredients like vitamins and hyaluronic acid to the surface of your skin for an extended period. Some face masks even absorb excess oils from the skin’s surface. But did you know that there are many face masks you can make easily...

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The Effects of Sun Damage and How to Prevent Them

Outdoor activities are extremely popular, especially in the summer, and it can feel awesome to get outside and soak in some vitamin D. However, many underestimate the dangers of sun damage to their skin. Sunburn isn’t the first hint that your skin is being damaged; in fact, even tanning is a visible sign of sun damaged skin. Sun damage is one of the leading causes of visible aging on the skin, manifesting in the following ways: Pigmentation issues – Overexposure to the sun can lead to various uneven pigmentation issues, such as sun spots/age spots, freckles, and dark blotches on the skin. Wrinkles – While wrinkles naturally occur through normal aging, sun damage can accelerate the formation of wrinkles, partly...

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What Causes Acne: The Top 5 Culprits

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that people suffer from, and while it is more prevalent in teens, it can affect many people into their 30s or 40s. There are various treatments available for acne and acne scars that range from over-the-counter solutions to prescription creams, but what causes acne? The 5 top causes are listed below. 1. Excess sebum production – Sebaceous glands in the pores produce an oily substance known as sebum, which lubricates the surface of the skin. Those who are acne prone typically have skin that produces excess sebum. In addition, acne-prone people’s skin tends to produce sebum that differs in its makeup, containing higher levels of squalene and wax esters, and lower...

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Finding the Best Men's Skin Care Products

Men’s skin can benefit from many of the same practices and products as women’s skin. However, men’s skin care needs differ in several key ways. For starters, men don’t wear makeup, and their skin may have a greater need for SPF protection if it’s typically bare from day to day. Men’s skin also tends to be tougher than women’s, meaning they are less likely to be sensitive to many of the same ingredients that women are sensitive to. Men also have facial hair, making facial razor bumps a unique skin care issue for men. Here are our guidelines for what to look for in the best skin care products for men, and our picks for some of the best men’s...

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Essential Tips to Upgrade Your Skin Care Routine

Taking care of your skin on a daily basis is incredibly important. Many of you may already have a skin care routine you follow every day. Whether you have a daily skin care routine or not, there is always room for improvement. Here are some skin care tips to make sure you are getting the most out of your skin care routine. Don’t under or over-cleanse Keeping your face clean is a must, especially at night, since leaving makeup on your face can clog your pores while you sleep. Washing your face once at night and once in the morning is the frequency we would recommend, depending on your skin type. If your skin is oily, washing twice a day...

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