Skin Care Advice

5 Easy, Effective DIY Face Mask Recipes
Face masks are one of the biggest trends in skin care right now. Most grocery stores, makeup shops, and even many clothing retailers carry those little pouches of single-use face masks, which range from masks that dry and peel off to gel masks that rest on the surface of your face. It’s hard to browse Instagram or Twitter without seeing pictures of people wearing them. Face masks can be fun and relaxing, and are designed to deliver skin care ingredients like vitamins and hyaluronic acid to the surface of your skin for an extended period. Some face masks even absorb excess oils from the skin’s surface. But did you know that there are many face masks you can make easily at home?
We’ve collected 5 of our favorite homemade skin care face mask recipes to share with you. While not a replacement for your favorite skin care serums and creams, these DIY masks can lend a nice added boost to your skin care routine.
Moisturizing Avocado Mask
The natural oils in avocado give this mask an excellent moisturizing quality. Olive oil also helps provide extra softness to the skin. For this recipe, you’ll need:
- Half of a ripe avocado
- 1 tsp plain yogurt
- 1 tsp honey
- 1–2 tsp virgin olive oil
As if you’re making guacamole, mash the avocado half until soft, then mix it with honey, yogurt, and olive oil until a consistent paste is formed. Leave this mask on your face for 10–15 minutes and rinse it off with warm water. Your face will be left feeling soft and refreshed.
Egg White and Turmeric Pore-Tightening Mask
The proteins in egg whites help to tighten pores and are antibacterial, making this mask a must for acne-prone skin and enlarged pores. Turmeric also provides some brightening properties, helping to even out pigmentation. To make this mask, whisk together:
- 1 egg white
- 1 tsp orange juice
- ½ tsp turmeric powder
Once combined, apply this mask and leave it on for 15 minutes. Once the mask has dried, wash it off with warm water.
Red Wine Mask
Red grapes (and red wine) contain significant amounts of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight signs of sun damage on the skin. Along with kaolin clay’s ability to absorb impurities, this mask is great for your skin, and one of the best homemade skin care recipes. Just mix together the following ingredients:
- ¼ cup red wine
- ¼ cup kaolin clay (found in health food stores)
- 1 tbsp organic oat flour (also available at health food stores)
- 2 tbsp grapeseed oil
Apply this mask and leave it on for 10 minutes, rinsing it off afterwards with warm water. This mask will leave your skin feeling tighter and more hydrated.
Breakout-Soothing Milk and Honey Mask
This is another excellent DIY face mask for acne-prone skin because honey is a natural antibacterial and nutmeg helps to gently exfoliate your skin. Simply stir together:
- 2 tbsp honey
- 2 tbsp nutmeg
- 2 tsp milk
Rub this mask gently onto the face to apply, and then leave it on for 10–15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and moisturize afterwards using your favorite moisturizer.
Calming Banana Oat Mask
Between the plethora of vitamins in bananas, the soothing power of oats, and the antibacterial properties of honey (clearly a favored ingredient of homemade skin care), this mask is great to soothe or calm skin that has been irritated or inflamed. This recipe requires:
- ½ banana
- 2 tbsp raw oats
- 1 tsp honey
Mash up the banana with the honey and then mix in the raw oats. Leave this mask on for 15–20 minutes and rinse with warm water for a face that feels soothed and refreshed!